Popular culture is our cultures beliefs, traditions, art, or patterns of behavior that we share. We use entertainment and products to satisfy ourselves. Pop culture is who we are today. Movies, art, famous products, TV shows, etc. is what keeps us together as a culture. The 20th Century fashion styles or hair dew's is part of the cultures that is being built today. Popular culture to me is what I see all around me. There is a new product that is always better then the one before being produced all of the time.
As we enter in the business environment, we need to understand how popular culture is relevant. We need to learn that we can build successful and healthy environments in the work field. Popular culture surrounds us no matter where we are. We will meet other co-workers with different beliefs. I can make my career more successful by learning to accept other people and what they believe.
Red Carpet fashion is something that is very popular in the 20th century. It shows women's beauty on the outside. Women pose in beautiful formal gowns or show off the latest fashion trends. Wild hair and elegant jewelry is some of the other trends that are being modeled. Red Carpet fashion allows people to see what is new and upcoming. It is a major part of popular culture.